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UK rejects TGTE appeal to lift LTTE proscription



The UK Proscribed Organisations Appeals Commission has rejected an appeal by the Transitional Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) to lift the proscription on the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) as a terrorist organisation in Britain.

Sri Lanka’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ali Sabry, confirmed that the UK will continue to maintain the proscription on the LTTE. Announcing this on ‘X’ (formerly Twitter), Sabry noted that the independent court, headed by a high court judge and two retired senior diplomats, ruled against de-proscribing the LTTE.

The TGTE, which supports the creation of an independent Tamil state in north-east Sri Lanka, had appealed to the UK to lift its ban on the LTTE. However, the TGTE itself is not proscribed in the UK as it seeks to achieve its political and ideological objectives through non-violent means.

Sabry further stated, “The LTTE international network’s approach and strategy is to get foreign governments to de-proscribe the LTTE so that they could revive the LTTE.”


Sri Lanka hopes to reach agreement with private bondholders next week, says President




President Ranil Wickremesinghe announced that the Sri Lankan government expects to conclude discussions and reach an agreement with private bondholders on restructuring the country’s debt next week.

He made this statement while addressing the “Ekwa Jayagamu” public rally in Matara on Sunday (30).

In a significant milestone, Sri Lanka recently sealed a deal with the Official Creditor Committee (OCC) to restructure the debt owed to its bilateral lenders, including India, and signed a separate agreement with China for debt treatment.

Wickremesinghe noted that since signing the agreements with bilateral creditors, representatives of private bondholders have begun discussions with the government.

“As of now, we have successfully achieved progress on both sides. We are expecting to successfully conclude this by next week,” he said.

The President also announced that elections, including the Presidential Election, General Election, and Provincial Council Election, will take place within this year and next year.

The United National Party (UNP) and a section of the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) launched the President’s election campaign island-wide, starting from Matara under the theme ‘Ekwa Jayagamu’ (Victory Through Unity).

The rally was attended by Ministers Prasanna Ranatunga, Kanchana Wijesekera, Ali Sabry, Harin Fernando, Manusha Nanayakkara, Ramesh Pathirana, Douglas Devananda, North Western Province Governor Lakshman Yapa Abeywardena, and President’s Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor on National Security Sagala Ratnayake.

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Israeli tourist found safe after three-day search in Trincomalee




Tamar Amitai, a 25-year-old Israeli tourist who went missing in Uppuveli, Trincomalee, has been found safe following a three-day joint search operation.

Amitai arrived in Trincomalee last Tuesday and had booked a hotel online. The hotel reported her missing to the police on Wednesday after she did not return.

In response, a joint search operation involving the police, army, and the Eastern Province Tourism Authority, directed by the Governor’s office in the Eastern Province, was launched.

A breakthrough came when a villager provided a tip-off that a foreign woman matching Tamar’s description was spotted in a dazed condition near a jungle and a rock, approximately three kilometers from the hotel.

Amitai was found and admitted to the Uppuveli hospital, where she is reported to be in stable condition.

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Fisheries Minister denies Indian media reports on Palk Bay boundary agreement




Fisheries Minister Douglas Devananda has refuted Indian media reports about any new agreement between Sri Lanka and India regarding the Palk Bay boundary or the Kachchathivu island.

Responding to reports from Indian newspapers, Devananda yesterday told the Sunday Observer that there had been no discussions in the Cabinet about maritime boundaries in the Palk Bay.

Devananda took to task some Indian political parties for revisiting the 1974-1976 India-Sri Lanka Agreement on the Palk Bay boundary during the Indian elections, using the issue of Kachchathivu island to garner votes.

He said that such claims are common during elections, referencing the recent Lok Sabha elections in Tamil Nadu.

He said that the boundary agreement was more disadvantageous to Sri Lanka, limiting access to minerals, pearl grounds, and other resources in the Wadge Bank of the Palk Bay boundary.


(Except for the headline, this story, originally published by has not been edited by SLM staff) 

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