
Cabinet nod to obtain USD 200 mn. World Bank funding



The Cabinet of Ministers has granted approval to enter into an agreement with the International Development Association of the World Bank Group in order to obtain funding for the implementation of a project to strengthen the social security system in Sri Lanka.

Earlier on May 08, 2023, the Cabinet had approved to negotiate agreements with the World Bank Group to obtain the necessary funds to implement a project that will provide better-targeted income support and livelihood opportunities to the poor and vulnerable, and strengthen the social security system.

During the negotiations held accordingly, the World Bank agreed to provide a loan amounting to USD 200 million in the form of three components including USD 185 million to support the ‘Aswesuma’ welfare benefits programme, USD 07 million to support the implementation of a pilot project to strengthen the selected beneficiaries, and USD 08 million to strengthen the overall project management and social security system.

Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers has approved the proposal presented by the President as the Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policy to enter into the relevant agreement with the International Development Association of the World Bank Group to obtain the loan of USD 200 million from the World Bank.


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