
CC approves four nominees for CA vacancies



The Constitutional Council has approved four nominees, proposed by the President, to fill vacancies in the Court of Appeal.

Among the names approved are three senior High Court Judges Gihan Kulatunga, Damitha Thotawatta, and Amal Ranaraja who were proposed by Chief Justice Jayantha Jayasuriya to the President.

The fourth nominee, Senior Solicitor General Mahen Gopallawa, was recommended by Attorney General Parinda Ranasinghe.

Currently, the Court of Appeal has five vacancies, while another judge, Vikum Kaluaarachchi, is set to retire next month. Additionally, the recent retirement of Supreme Court judge Vijith Malalgoda on August 19 has brought the number of vacancies in the Supreme Court to three.


(This story, originally published by has not been edited by SLM staff)


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