Draft proposed for “North-East People’s Action Plan”



Political commentator/analyst Kusal Perera has issued a people centric program for North – East for social discourse which is as follows :

North-East clearly exhibited its frustration and anger against traditional political leaderships. It is a fact, traditional political parties and leaderships don’t have a “people-centric” perspective, working on the understanding they could always manipulate the vote, in the absence of alternate leaderships.

This 2024 elections proved the people are no more ready to be manipulated to vote them as representatives of the people. At least a substantial majority in North-East did not, creating a space for an alternate action programme at grassroot level.

That action programme is proposed here as a two-part programme with initial demands in this current context and as the organisational democratic platform for a campaign.

Demands are –
01.  all 22 Tamil and Muslim MPs (including NPP) in North-East issue a joint statement, confirming they stand for “full implementation” of the 13 Amendment to the Constitution

02.  all 22 Tamil and Muslim MPs (including NPP) in North-East table a motion in parliament within month of December 2024, demanding the government announce they would implement the 13A in full and hold PC elections before end March 2025.

03.  Public demand asking the President to present the APRC Final Report in parliament immediately (as the LLRC Report was presented)

04.  De-militarise North-East administration as stressed in LLRC Final Report in establishing a civil administration

05.  Minister of Justice and National Integration to provide a comprehensive list of “enforced disappearances” during and after the war to the parliament, with details and the present situation/status within 03 months

Campaign platform to constitute –
1.     District level action committees consisting of people’s organisations, trade unions and professional associations

2.     Federation of district action committees forming the N-E campaign platform

3.     District Action Committees to form its local actions committees as electoral or professional committees

This is meant for a public discussion among North-East social activists and remains open for due amendments and alterations for improvement and implementation.

Kusal Perera – Political commentator/Analyst
2024 December 01


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