
Duminda Silva at J’pura hospital



Former MP – Duminda Silva has been admitted to the Sri Jayewardenepura General hospital, says media spokesman of Prisons – Gamini B. Dissanayake.

He further confirmed that Mr. de Silva has been undergoing medical treatment while under the guard of Prison officials for a prolonged period of time.

Yesterday (Jan. 18,) the Supreme Court declared former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s decision to grant presidential pardon to former MP Duminda Silva, (who was convicted and sentenced to death for the murder of Bharatha Lakshman Premachandra), as invalid.

The Commissioner General of Prisons was instructed by the Supreme Court to take the relevant measures necessary so as to impose the impending sentence against Duminda Silva, adding that former President Gotabaya had failed to follow the proper legal procedure when granting the said amnesty.

Related News :

Supreme Court deems Duminda Silva’s presidential pardon invalid


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