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Gujarat ATS to Investigate in SL following ISIS terrorist arrests



The Gujarat Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) is preparing to visit Sri Lanka to further investigate the arrest of four ISIS terrorists at Ahmedabad airport.

This development comes as Sri Lankan police have detained two individuals related to the case, while a third suspect, Osmond Gerrard, remains at large.

Sri Lanka has declared Gerrard wanted and announced a Rs. 2 million reward for his capture.

Gujarat Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) thwarted a potential terror attack with the arrest of four Sri Lankan nationals at Ahmedabad airport on May 20. 

The apprehended suspects, identified as Mohammad Nusrat (33), Mohammad Farish (35), Mohammad Nafran (27), and Mohammad Rashdeen (43), are believed to be linked to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

The arrests of the four ISIS terrorists by the Gujarat ATS have taken a new turn with the discovery of objectionable materials in their residences. Mobile phones belonging to the terrorists have been seized and are currently under investigation by the ATS team. 

Preliminary findings suggest that the terrorists were in contact with a Muslim preacher named Abu Pakistani and had spent 42 days with him for indoctrination.

Three dedicated teams from the Gujarat ATS are actively investigating leads outside the state. Their efforts have revealed that Osmond Gerrard provided the four terrorists with four lakh rupees and has been known to change his appearance frequently to evade capture. 

Acting on information from the ATS, Sri Lankan authorities have detained two individuals, though Gerrard continues to elude arrest.

The investigation has uncovered that three additional individuals assisted the terrorists in their activities in India. The ATS is now focusing on these accomplices and examining the mobile phones of the arrested terrorists for further clues. 

Notably, it has been discovered that a weapon was delivered via drone over the Pakistan border in Punjab, adding a significant dimension to the case.

In their meticulous investigation, the ATS has analyzed CCTV data from 78,000 vehicles near Chiloda, checking 13,000 vehicles for any leads. 

Additionally, three ATS teams have been dispatched to Delhi, Rajasthan, and Punjab to pursue various angles of the investigation.

Source: The Free Press Journal


GCE O/L results out within 10 days




Examination Commissioner General Amith Jayasundara said yesterday (23) the results of the GCE Ordinary Level Exam 2023 (2024) will be released within the next 10 days.

He stated that efforts will be made to release the exam results within this week and if it is not possible, the results will be definitely released within ten days.


(This story, originally published by has not been edited by SLM staff)

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Non-academic staff of schools to take TU action




The non-academic staff of government schools have announced a decision to engage in a Trade Union action by reporting sick today (June 24) and tomorrow (25).

According to the Education Non-Academic Employees’ Union, the TU action is being carried out in the North Central, and North Western provinces and Kandy District today (24) .

General Secretary of the association Ajith K. Thilakarathne stated that the trade union action is being carried out based on several demands including a national policy for non-academic staff in the education sector.

Meanwhile, the National Organizer of the Principal Service Union – Sisira Rajapakse has announced that a nationwide strike has been planned for June 26.

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New State Minister sworn in




MP Sathasivam Viyalendiran was sworn in as the State Minister of Trade and Environment before President Ranil Wickremesinghe at the Presidential Secretariat a short while ago, the President’s Media Division (PMD) said.

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