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Lanka to take up bottom trawling



When Indian Foreign Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar visits Colombo next week, the government is to take up the issue of Indian fishermen entering Sri Lanka’s northern territorial waters three days a week and engaging in illegal bottom trawling, Fisheries Minister Douglas Devananda said.

The Indian fishermen are expected to be back in Sri Lankan waters after a two-month-long annual breeding ban was lifted on Friday.

When President Ranil Wickremesinghe visited New Delhi last Sunday to attend the swearing-in ceremony of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the matter was raised at a meeting with Minister Dr. Jaishnakar.

“As a nation, we have to protect our resources, interests, and the livelihood of our fisherfolks. I hope to raise the issue in the next Cabinet meeting (June 19) as well,” Minister Devananda said.

Days before the Indian authorities lifted the annual breeding ban, a group of fishermen’s unions based in the North handed over a petition on Tuesday to officials at the Indian consulate office in Jaffna requesting India to take immediate steps to prevent Indian fishermen from coming into Sri Lankan waters at the expense of their livelihood.

The fishermen’s unions, which formed a collective called the Northern Fishermen’s Alliance, requested President Wickremesinghe

in a petition to urge Indian authorities to “expedite their maximum efforts to monitoring and preventing the daily incursion of thousands of Tamil Nadu trawlers every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday evenings.”

The two-month-long ban, which came into effect on April 14 and was lifted on Friday, is enforced to facilitate the breeding of fish banks in the ocean and maintain the equilibrium of marine sources for sustainability.

Currently, Indian fishermen who engage in fishing in Sri Lankan territorial waters are arrested by the Navy and Coast Guard and subjected to legal action after their trawlers are seized.

Following the legal action in which the magistrate courts hand in a suspended sentence of eighteen months for engaging in fishing without a licence, fishermen are released and repatriated with the assistance of Indian diplomatic missions.


(This story, originally published by has not been edited by SLM staff)


GCE O/L results out within 10 days




Examination Commissioner General Amith Jayasundara said yesterday (23) the results of the GCE Ordinary Level Exam 2023 (2024) will be released within the next 10 days.

He stated that efforts will be made to release the exam results within this week and if it is not possible, the results will be definitely released within ten days.


(This story, originally published by has not been edited by SLM staff)

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Non-academic staff of schools to take TU action




The non-academic staff of government schools have announced a decision to engage in a Trade Union action by reporting sick today (June 24) and tomorrow (25).

According to the Education Non-Academic Employees’ Union, the TU action is being carried out in the North Central, and North Western provinces and Kandy District today (24) .

General Secretary of the association Ajith K. Thilakarathne stated that the trade union action is being carried out based on several demands including a national policy for non-academic staff in the education sector.

Meanwhile, the National Organizer of the Principal Service Union – Sisira Rajapakse has announced that a nationwide strike has been planned for June 26.

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New State Minister sworn in




MP Sathasivam Viyalendiran was sworn in as the State Minister of Trade and Environment before President Ranil Wickremesinghe at the Presidential Secretariat a short while ago, the President’s Media Division (PMD) said.

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