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Piliyandala police arrest couples in live sex video racket



Piliyandala Police have apprehended two young couples involved in a large-scale money-making scheme by selling live sex videos to a Chinese company. 

During the arrest, authorities seized several items including color masks with eye covers, an ice cap face mask, a smart mobile phone with a video filming app, two additional phones, 25 milligrams of Ice drug, and two sedative pills mixed with cannabis. 

The raid was conducted based on information provided to Piliyandala Police OIC, Chief Inspector Dinesh Attaragama.


Court order issued against planned teacher-principal protest in Colombo




The Colombo Fort Magistrate’s Court has issued an order preventing the General Secretary of Ceylon Teachers’ Union Joseph Stalin, Ven. Ulapane Sumangala Thero and 8 others from staging a demonstration in a manner that inconvenience the public or pedestrians along Galle Road, NSA Roundabout and several roads in Colombo today (26).

Accordingly, they have been barred from holding protests that blocks the sections of roads from Ceramic Junction to NSA Roundabout, NSA Roundabout to Baladaksha Mawatha along Galle Road and area also prohibited from entering the Finance Ministry, President’s Secretariat, Central Bank of Sri Lanka and President’s House premises.

The order also mentions that there is no obstacle for a government official who is responsible for only a small group to enter the aforementioned premises to deliver their memos on the basis of a lawfully obtained permission.

Meanwhile, the court also stated that this order does not interfere with the fundamental right to peaceful protest without unlawful behavior and causing any disturbance to general public.


(This story, originally published by has not been edited by SLM staff)

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22 cashiers at Athurugiriya Interchange suspended




22 cashiers at the Athurugiriya Interchange have been suspended due to financial fraud amounting to millions of rupees.

According to the Road Development Authority Director General – Engineer Priyantha Suriyabandara, the financial fraud has taken place at the Athurugiriya Interchange located on the Outer Circular Expressway. 

The suspensions had been done by the Deputy Director General of the RDA on the directive of the RDA Director General. 

Preliminary investigations have revealed this fraud had been committed by taking advantage of the electricity crisis faced in Sri Lanka in 2020.

Investigations reveal that the financial fraud later continued to be carried out by disconnecting the power supply or by sneakily removing the power supply wire. 

The cashiers are said to have suspended power so that CCTV cameras do not function and had received payments from motorists passing through the interchange, which they had taken for themselves.

It has been found that out of the 27 cashiers at the Athurugiriya Interchange 22 had engaged in the said financial fraud.

(Source : Dinamina)

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Foreigner dies swimming off Unawatuna




A 61-year-old Malaysian national died last evening while swimming in the sea off Unawatuna, police said.

Habaraduwa Police said the foreigner was likely dragged to sea by the rip currents in the area.

He was rescued by lifesavers but had died on admission to the Karapitiya Hospital in Galle.

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